
Donate Food



Gleaning is the act of recovering excess food from farms, gardens, grocery stores, or other sources for the purpose of donating the food to those who may not otherwise have access. 

GleaND encourages all types of growers to donate, from backyard gardens to large-scale farms. Growers may choose to plant extra rows in order to donate, or may donate any excess produce at the end of the season.

Growers who would like to donate produce must first register with GleaND. The Gleaning Coordinator will then contact you to arrange a glean and coordinate volunteers to come to your property at a designated time to pick and transport the produce. The produce is then distributed at charitable feeding organizations around the area.

NOTE: The federal food donation tax deduction, implemented in 2016 as part of the PATH ACT, includes provisions to allow for-profit farms to claim tax deductions for donated produce.